Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

Founding a new worldwide Primitive flightbow federation?

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Buckeye Guy:
The perspective of

will we have 20 shooters or 100 shooters is huge in the way we want to look at rules

I am a bit of a dreamer so I tend toward thinking big

We record all distances (for personal records sake) but only measure the bow when it has shot a record. EWBS arrows are checked prior to the shoot (in bulk), but I guess you could do the same for arrows (check record setting arrows). Flight arrows are currently 'anything goes' with no minimum.

Lukasz Nawalny:
Red hawk it is very good idea! We can check top 3 from each weight category and for example 10 random archers

Dan Perry:
Think about this:

Why not eliminate length or weight restrictions on the arrows, and limit overdraws on the bows to the classes that use them?

Put the restrictions on the bows, and not the arrows. Bows have to meet requirements for the class they are to be used in anyway.

  Dan for the regular flight I believe this is what we planned. I think we agreed on a 14" minimum arrow which would effectively eliminate a length requirement. No weight requirements on regular flight arrows. Regular flite bows would only be 3 classes. Self, composite and simple composite with 4 weight classes, 35, 50, 70 and unlimited.

    No real way to simplify the traditional and have it accomplish what it is intended to accomplish.

 Dan, I am going to write a procedure here for starting a flight club and hosting a first flight event. I will be able to modify my post as feed back comes in instead of rewriting everything at once. I might have it up tonight, take a look at it and make any suggestions.


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