Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

Founding a new worldwide Primitive flightbow federation?

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Thanks for your replies.
There are some things to do now. I would like to set up the site as soon as possible, tomorrow a first layout could be ready.

I would appreciate your ideas for a header image, I thought about this one:

I would prefer to set up the site as a blog, forums are somehow out of fashion. I' ve very good experiences with blogs. I guess wordpress to be the best blog- system, searching- engines love wordpress- blogs.
Blogs have the advantage of sites and articles. Sites could only be edited by an admin, so I would suggest sites as follows: ABOUT, RULES, HISTORY, GALLERY, LINKS and CONTACT
A blog is free, but a video-upgrade would be about 99$ a year. Maybe a connected youtube- flightbow- channel could be an alternative?

Articles could be posted by the members of the club: this would be the space for to post your flightbows and flight-arrows, your reports on a flightshot- tournaments................etc. This would be the space for discussions too.

If the club turns out to be a real burner with a lot of daily traffic, a blog could be easily transferred into a selfhosted blog. This will cost about 115$ a year.

I would like to set up the site and could do the ABOUT- site too, but I need help!

Who will fix the RULES, I guess the most delicous task.?

I would appreciate some articles and a lot of pics about the HISTORY of flightarchery. We need pics for the GALLERY, useful LINKS.....................etc.

We need some more admins, anyone out here? A little bit of blog- experience would be great.

Send articles and pics for the start to my pm.

About the classes:

I would prefer a very small number of classes(as I've posted it yet above) for to enforce the exchange and the competition between the designs and for to get by with few basic rules.


  Michael, I think you are on the right track! Lets give ourselves time schedules for completing various tasks with a target date of completion say by March 1st. I think you and I are in agreement on most issues but a few I would like to present to the organizing body for input and negotiation.

   I do prefer more classes to better represent the international community and the demogaphics of various age and social groups.
For example you may have some areas that are really only interested in the broadhead division, while others prefer the turkish style or English for instance. I like the existing rules governing flight for the most part with some notable exceptions.

   No later than tomorrow I will submit to the present organization a set of classes, rules and protocals that I would favor, others can do the same or start with my basic and modify from there.
An important consideration will be, how do we go about establishing a governing body to get this thing off the ground? I would suggest we send out invites. Those interested in becomming part of the process can nominate themselves and then we take a quick vote and get down to business.

    I would like to see the Primitive Archer community here remain a place to go for primitive flight shooters and we could submit some articles to PA magazine to help with out publicity. " Birth of an International Primitive Flight Organizattion"  We have some great writers on the sight here we could hopefully recruit to write some articles for our public relations.

  Something like this maybe to get the ball rolling, these are just suggestions.

World Archery Flight Federation

           Adult (16 and older)
          Adult (16 and older)

Flight Classes  35#   50#   70#   unlimited
         Self bows 
         Laminated  wood bows
         Complex composite natural material bows
          English Long bows
          War bows 100#  120#  140# 160# unlimited
          Turkish and asiatic styles ( increments of 20# weight)

Broadhead classes  35# 50# 65# 80# 100#.
                                Straight bows (1” max reflex), reflexed long bows, contact recurves
        Self bows
        laminated wood bows

Flight Stations:

       An apporoved flight station should have a minimum of the following equipment

A registration table, registration forms, A complete book of rules, current records and classes. pencils, pens, paper, paint pens, marking pencils, metal money box,

Weight station, a sturdy bow rack for weighing, removable tape for marking bows, marking pencils, tape measure, yard stick, book of rules and classes, approved digital scales or calibrated free weights. Arrow capturing cage with tubes for arrow storage, A storage rack for weighed bows.

Flight Line

A wind sock for the flight line, several flags to mark off flight field, a 50' rope to establish shooting line, Metal stakes to secure shooting line rope, A work table, approved measuring equipment, two way radios,

Rules to qualify bows for classes
Rules for measuring
Rules for weighing
Rules for arrows
Rules for registering
Rules for shooting


    If we have anyone here who is knowledgeable about surveying they may want to give is a hand on establishing a measuring method that would be quick and accurate. I am thinking that a series of 100 yard tapes could be stetched out on a centerline of the flight field and then use a scope at a right angle to the center line to gather distances might be an inexpensive low tec method.

Couldn't do to much for the site, stuck into a real tough fight with a twisted rowan- stave.

 For to registrate the blog we need to agree on the name of the club/ federation. That means I can't begin with the setup if there's still no name.
The name can never be changed, we have definitely to agree as soon as possible!



Make your choice right now!



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