Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

Founding a new worldwide Primitive flightbow federation?

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  Look at it another way, all the other classes besides primitive use a 70# class, why not primitive?

Dan Perry:
Steve, you make a good point.

Weighing in bows is my least favorite part of flight shooting. To me it is scary. if there was a good way to do it without an arrow, maybe I wouldn't be so leery of so manny weight classes.

Marc St Louis:
I'm with you Steve.  Not a lot of people can shoot a 100# bow but many can shoot 70#.  Having everything over 50# as unlimited doesn't make much sense.  I would say a class around 70 or 80 lbs and then above that unlimited.

Buckeye Guy:
Well at least I sparked some input !
I am good with what ever you come up with,
Lets just getit rolling!!

  Input is good, I think we are ready to start putting it all together and putting it on the web site. Trtying to figure if I am missing anything.

 1. Rules,
 2. Registration forms,

 3. Protocal and instructions on how to run the shoot

 4. How to qualify to become an official

 5. Forming groups or clubs

 6. Record keeping and posting results

 7. Entry fees

 8. Minimum recomeneded equipment a club should have.

   I should have all this together within about 2 weeks and then we will need to go over it all one more time and make final changes, At this point we will open up the web site and be ready to start holding shoots. All forms and rules will be downloadbale but will need to be translated depending on what language will apply. I think the U.S.  is about the only country that doesn't use metric so we might should switch to metric or use both equivalents. 


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