Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

Founding a new worldwide Primitive flightbow federation?

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Dan Perry:

I likewise am partial to the 35# class, 35#, 50# and Unlimited were good choices I believe. Three weights, if there are going to be very manny bow classes may help.

I have been thinking of moving closer to work, to an area about an hour drive from the salt flats. The idea is like a magnet that tugs on the flight shooting iron in my blood. 

  Dan, one thing I like about a 70# class is that say a 60# bow could shoot 4 grains per pound at 240 grains. 240 grains is right in the area where the arrow mass is starting to resist the fletches better and also where stiffness becomes easier to obtain.

   The only changes I would like to see are the addition of both 35# and somewhere around 70#, and also feather rests to be made legal. The feather rest would give us some advantage over the old records but it is natural and I feel should be fair. I don't have strong opinions on arrow length but would prefer to see them lowered. I wouldn't object to another 1 inch added to arrow rests either.

   We will always be compared to the flight records of the 1940's, I would like to see us have a better shot at matching those.

Buckeye Guy:
I think the 35 , 50, and unlimited are enough weight divisions.
That would take care of everything as I see it

  Buckeye, I will obviously go with the majority but I see that 70# class as the real glamour glass of flight shooting. Once you start building arrows you will see what I mean. The fletches and arrow lengths are the same size for all classes so proportionately the lighter classes have a lot more drag on their arrows. At 70# you are just crossing into that area where you can get some nice stiffness on your arrows and still be light enough to pick up some good yardage. Right now I am shooting 56# bow in the unlimited classes against 100# plus bows, shooting against 70# would be a lot more competitive. Once you go above 70# I don't think the heavier bows have a huge advantage. I am not going to worry about it too much for our current orgaization but I plan to argue for it in the new organization.

Buckeye Guy:
I think I get what you are saying , remember when fiberglass arrows were going to be the big answer to all our problems with arrows HA HA
I don't see how the higher poundage will really make a big difference due to the arrow holding them back so why worry about classifying them
Its kinda like the wind issue thing wind can carry things along but arrows that are being blown don't fair so well so why stress over it ?

You folks know better than I so you choose


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