Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

Founding a new worldwide Primitive flightbow federation?

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  Kvillo, one of the biggest issues is having more events. You could have your own event if you could get two other guys. It wouldn't matter if fita changed rules they don't hold enough events in enough places. I feel this organization would serve to support the fita organization and help it to grow. Our regular fligth rules are almost the same as the fita rules with only a couple of minor proposed changes. The traditional aspect of this group would take the place of the broadhead event we hold in the US and make it a bit more inclusive.

   I think the only proposed changes o the rules in regular flite is to lump together simple comp and some of the complex comp bows and possibly allow modern string material if it met a minimum weight requirement or diameter which could be eyeballed.

Yes, I have lots of pictures and video that I am willing to share. It would take some time to go through it all.

We are working on a proposal to incorporate our U.S. flight rules with FITA/World Archery, so that could open up the possibility of shooting the same primitive flight events in Europe that we currently shoot each year at the Bonneville Salt Flats. I'm sure the discussion over natural material strings will come up again.


Thanx Marc, Derek and Alan for sharing pics.
I'm glad to see Kviljo joining in.

I think we should fix the rules first, as we want them, whether they will match FITA- rules or not. Huge organisations are often acting very slow.


Buckeye Guy:
Soon as you folks get this ready let me know as I feel sure we could put an event together near me
What size of an area do I need to start looking for to hold an event ?
I am not super busy the month of July and the wheat crop should be off leaving some large areas open for a bit
Ready set go !!!

Buckeye, I think the last major hurdle is deciding on how to measure. We will start that maybe today and by the end up febuary should have everything drawn up.


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