Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

Founding a new worldwide Primitive flightbow federation?

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Marc St Louis:
I'm just trying to wrap my head around the problem of getting more people involved.  Most people with a passing interest in flight shooting will not bother to go to the trouble of locating high quality linen and these are the people you want to try and captivate.  Making the rules user friendly is a big step in acquiring more interest. 

Quite frankly, having such rules as no overdraws, no handle deeper then 2", no overlays more than 2" is absurd.  Primitive man would have done whatever it takes to do the job.  I can see how splitting a limb and then gluing it back together would be a no no as you are basically making a lam bow which would just move it to the next category.

Rules...  I remember when I belonged to a gun club.  The club had a volume of rules, you can't do this, you can't do that.  Then they would turn around and complain about Government regulations.  Oddly most of the rules the gun club had were identical to the Government's rules.  Hypocrisy does not sit well with me

       I see no reason why any records in this organization under this organizations rules would have to be comparable to any other organizations rules. Giving shooters easy access to an entry point in flight shooting I see as a major objective with this organization. Switching over to the fita flight shoots would be only a minor adjustment. I expect I will continue to shoot fita and I am hoping this new organization will improve attendance at fita matches. If this works out as planned we will have established a whole new generation of flight shooters. I strongly favor drafting rules allowing for easier access to the sport as long as we are all playing by the same rules.

I'm all for keeping the entry level as simple as possible, this is the same in pretty much every sport (thus the introductery division). But as you progress in a sport and you want to compete on a higher level this usually means abiding to certain rules. I found that these are mostly in place to promote fairplay instead of restricting the athlete. I'm not saying we should go overboard and pin-down every detail but have enough of them so people don't 'break the game'.

  Jules, I think we are on the same page. Things like string material and modern adhesives are about the only real compromises I can see we would be making. Modern adhesives do not add to the performance and likewise minimum string weights could be imposed to keep the advantage of modern strings to a minimum. Afterall we would only be competing within our own organization based on our own rules.

The poll- posts will speed up things a lot, great idea!

Marc and Jules, we're on the same page too, keeping the entry level as simple as possible.

Just for to think about: what about a "one class fits all"? Only weight classes and a footbow- class.

I guess we should think about being an organizer or do we just set the rules so that records could be claimed/recognized and posted?What will be the verifications?

Again, I need pics and videos.

Alan, I guess you've done a lot of pics and videos at the Salt Flats, would you be so kind to leave some of them for the site?

Anybody wants to post his favourite flightbow or flightarrow and tell us notes about it, pics very welcome!!!!



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