Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

Founding a new worldwide Primitive flightbow federation?

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"Natural fiber strings would be a good topic on its own"

Alan, that's very right. I'll not see it happen that we allow synthetic strings and plastic nocks in our rules.

"I feel like the event really loses it's soul without natural strings", So it  would be with plastic nocks too.

I can`t believe that it should be such a heavy task to get longfibre linen for to make great strings even biologically grown.I admit my wife is a weaver, so I've an easy access to the string material. But use your search engine and you'll find this super- linen, real best quality:!prettyPhoto[product-gallery]/1/, they offer 19 different linen- yarns for bowyers!. I guess there is a similiar supplier in the US or Canada too. Go for their whole offer and you'll be done:
This is a network of growers of different natural fibres, they even offer the seeds.
The problem with linen- strings is that linen likes wet climate. I' ve posted in several forums to store your linen- fibres, yarns and strings in a wet salty atmosphere, that's all.
I use a very thin linen for my strings and count about 1strand/lbs, that makes a 40 strands- string for my flight- shorties( 40-48lbs). I can' t remember a break of one of these strings.

Steve, I thought about your proposals for the rules and classes.
As I understand it you're going for the regular flight- classes as before and we'll adding pure flight classes too?
So what will be the class for my "inuitish" styled short mollies in practice? 30degree recurved long skinny tips, 44"- 48" in length, 40- 49lbs/ 21"- 23".

Maybe this has already been said but natural strings are great on normal bows but are far more difficult on heavy ones. I know some have done it but only with Eastern fibers (yumi strings) not natural European stuff. For safety and numbers I don't think it would hurt to allow synthetic strings on heavy bows.

  Michael, that would be regular flight and traditional flight. The little innuit bow would have to fall into the tribal category with a notation for the type. Tribal bows would be shot in the traditonal classes so maybe we could just lower the minimum arrow length for all the shorties.

   Regular flight we have no need to classify bows beyond self or laminated as we are simply going for longest flight shot. Natural strings I have no problem with in this class.

  Traditional flight is more for the bowyers to evaluate their bows. Taking arrows and strings out of the equation by standardizing arrows and allowing for synthetic strings gives a more pure look at the bow.

  Ian, I am in favor of the war bow community writing their own rules as they have allready and our community accepting them as written. Same with  english long bows and turkish bows.

     Just something of interest to note. The most successful bows even in regular flight have not been the super stream lined fast flight bows but the more traditional looking bows. The skeletip bow would be an exception to this. I feel we have not mastered  getting the arrows out of the bow cleanly and it is cutting our distances. Last year I set a record with a bow shooting under 230 fps with a light arrow. My 270 fps flight bow shot about 10 yards less on its best shot. Dan Perry shot a 50# laminated elb just about the same distance as the other record bows in the simple composite class.

I would like to go back to the goals we are trying to reach and extrapolate the needed divisions and rules from there. Taking into account what already has been said my suggestion would be this:

Regular flight division - The purest of the three divisions. What will be the furthest distance with any design made out of natural materials (including the string and arrows).
Goal: Distance & full natural
Bow classes: Defined by material - Selfbow, simple composite (wood & bamboo layers), complex composite (any natural layer)
Arrow specs: Minimum length specified. Weight not specified (anything goes). All natural materials. Any design.
String specs: Natural only
Record status: Global

Traditional flight division - A test of history. How do (historical) bow designs compare to one another. To compare this the arrow specifications will be standarized (similar to but replacing the previously used Broadhead arrow).
Goal: Comparing the prominent designs of the past.
Bow classes: Defined per design (Badger gave an nice example of possible classes, I personally would like to see a small list rather then a long one).
Arrows spec: Minimum length defined. Weight standarized (grains per pound). Design standarized (with allowed material, to be defined).
String spec: Synthetic
Record status: Global

Introductory flight division - A stepping stone to flight archery. Easiest to enter.
Goal: Getting people interested and enthousiastic about flight archery.
Bow classes: To keep it simple I'd say the same as regular flight division but either is possible.
Arrow spec: Minimum length defined. Weight not specified (anything goes). Plastic nocks allowed. Any design.
String spec: Anything goes.
Record status: Local (national)

All divisions have a common ruleset (currently weight seperation being the only one, could be more):
Weight: up to 35#   36-50#  51-70#   UNL# (70#>)

This would cover the three main goals, distance, comparing bow designs and rejuvenating (or starting) flight archery. Of course more details need to be filled in here (such as arrow rest specifications, release method, allowed drawlength compared to arrow length (overdraw), measuring of the bow weight etc). Oddbal would be the 'warbow' class as this would be, in my opinion, any regular design over a certain poundage (and thus falling under it's respective bow class rather then being a seperate class).

Marc St Louis:
A simple composite should read 2 natural layers, this would include sinew, rawhide and horn and allow sinew backed bows and sinew backed horn bows into the category.

If you keep the rules pretty well much the same as what FITA has already then what would be the point of creating another flight shooting organization?


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