Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

My 2015 bow

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   Allen, what length bow do you think would be optimum for flight arrows. This was intended as a broadhead bow. The slow takeoff on the limb makes me think it may have  help with clean arrow flight on light flite arrows.

Okay, I'll give it a shot and see what you think.

If the Broadhead bow in this post can be drawn to 28", then I'd make the flight bow for the minimum 23" long arrow, which may be a equivalent of a 24-25" draw depending on the depth of the handle.

I'll assume the flight bow has a 24" draw for the maximum draw with a 23" flight arrow.

I'd make the flight bow identical in thickness and width, to the broadhead bow, except scale all the length dimensions (overall length, handle length, etc.) by the ratio of the draw lengths. Flight bow length = (24"/28") * 62" = approx. 53-3/16".

If it ends up a 23" arrow can be draw the equivalent of a 25" draw length, then the overall length would scale down to (25"/28")*62" = approx 57-3/8" long.

The nice advantage of the shorter flight bow is that the lateral stibility will go up significantly. If you think about it, this is one of the key reasons great flight bows end up being so short.


Aaron H:
Lots and lots of valuable information here guys. Thanks

Hi Badger,
there seemed some discussion on whether or not you should have a crowned back or not to maximize performance on your bow.
I'm inclined to think a crowned back is favourable because it shifts the neutral plane towards the belly, thereby allowing set at a later stage of bending than with a flat back. I'll start a new thread with the detailed explanation I'm giving to it, since this is going a bit astray from your initial post.

   I have never found a crowned back that I could get as much bend out of as a flat back. I have never really studied trapping and things like that but just from personnal experience I prefer no crown.


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