Not sure if flight warbow isn't a contradiction in terms, but I'm thinking of making a few flight bows next year, two being warbows 90 -120# and one more like a primitive.
Problem in the UK is there aren't any flight shoots with a
primitive category so I'd be up against carbon and f/glass (spits on floor). I'm looking at maybe trying to set up a primitive flight meet if I can find a venue.... problem is , most land owners just don't understand bows and it's rather hard finding out who actually owns the land in the first place.
There are flight shoots for longbow and warbow, mind with at least 3 different deffinitions of "longbow" even that gets a bit silly

I'm thinking or Hazel and Elm for warbows (meane wood bows) and maybe Laburnum for the primitive.
Probably going to buy a laser rangefinder too with some money the Santa gave me
With a warbow there's the trade off of draw length vs limb mass. Maybe a hint of RD and a stiffer mid section would help, I'll also be going wide as possible within the 5/8 depth width ratio rule. Trapped back, heat treated belly.
S'pose I'm rambling rather, but I'd be interested in any thoughts, comments etc.
Seasons greetings to one and all of course, and lets hope for another great year of bow making on PA
