Tools are a progression, you need to know the limitations of each one and the tricks to getting the best out of it.
Those gouges look like maybe the edge of the blade digging in to me?
Use a draw knife until it stops working for you, then go to maybe a spokeshave, then a rasp, file, scraper and so on.
One trick with a drawknife (and other edged tools) is to pull it towards you at an angle e.g say right hand closer to your belly than the left, this gives a slicing action. Turning the drawknife over or reversing the wood can help too.
BUT there is always a point where the tool becomes ineffective or too coarse ... I pencil a mark R for rasp to mark those points, typically it is where the grain dips sharply or there is a knot.
We've all done it and torn out a big gout of wood where we didn't want to.... you have to recognise the trouble before it happens and use the right tool for the particular bit of wood.