We were pulling tree stands today and I found an interesting osage tree. I grabbed my camera and got some pictures of a few different trees and what their bark pattern is saying about the grain. These are just my thoughts and observations.
First is a nice straight barked tree. The grain in this tree should be nice and straight. I have put a ladder stand in it for the last several years and taken a few deer. I doubt it will make it until next season. The main trunk is starting to split in half. The split runs straight on both sides of the tree. That is another indicator that it will be straight grained. It has gotten worse since September when we put the stand up. When it falls I'll find a good home for it

Next is a tree with a bark pattern that makes me think the grain will crisscross and flow in different directions. I've cut some with bark similar to this and it didn't make good bow wood. When chasing a ring one layer would be flowing to the right and the next ring down it might be flowing to the left.

The bark on this tree spirals around it as it goes up. When split the staves from it would probably have quite a bit of twist to them.

Now the interesting tree. As we were driving through the yard by my Dad's garage I looked up and saw something that caught my eye. An unusual bark pattern up high on a tree. This is making me think that the grain is very snakey. It will probably zigzag back and forth. I lived in the apartment above their garage for 10 years and never noticed this tree growing next to it

For you guys that came out this summer its right next to our elevated deer target shot

The bottom of the tree has a different pattern to it. I'm not sure what the grain is doing in that area. It looks similar to the crisscross bark but not the same. I'm going to have to figure out a plan to get this thing on the ground and get a better look at it.