Hello all, first post here, hoping to hear your opinions
as I'm a new bowyer and really don't want to make it
It's my first bow build In 30 years, knew it might not come
out perfect but wanted to get at least a little more familiar
with the techniques and various tools, and if I learned along the way AND
had a shooter, id be happy
I'm pretty sure this is white ash, was 6" in diameter and the straightest
and best I could find that day, cut it, glued the ends, peeled all the bark
and let it sit for 6 months...
She was straight, was gonna start tillering and learned about chasing rings and backing...
So, few days later Im just about to glue down some rawhide, and woke up to
find that overnight the bow must have slid over, and slipped between the Christmas tree and wall to
land on the baseboard heater

Now it's bent sideways and I'm not sure if I should wait for the moisture to reach
equilibrium as it appears as one side dried more than the other
I need to thin the convex side a little
Throw it in the steamer and have at it

Like I said, I really hate to make it worse, hoping to hear the opinions of people who have
been there already. .