I recently made a bow for the 10 year old son of a lady at work. Another lady saw it and asked it I would like to make one for her teenage daughter. I agreed to do it, then she informed me that she needed it by Christmas. Uh oh, time crunch. Luckily I had a couple of bows already roughed out. I picked one and went to town on it. Of course it fought me tooth and nail. Several heat sessions for corrections and adding mild curves. Tillering was pretty straight forward. The big issue was getting it to drop weight. I scraped on it every evening after work as I kept an eye on the tiller and monitored the scale. 46 lbs, then 44, 43, 41.5, . . .and finally reaching my target of 35# @ 23" I added the overlays (buffalo horn) and commenced to sanding. I was up against it on time, but refused to "rush it." By the time I had it where I liked it, I had to opt out of using Tru oil, and resorted to spray on poly. The last coat went on last nite, and I am giving it to the lady at work today. Specs are 58" nock to nock, 35# @ 23" draw, Osage bow with slight reflex added. Also simple handle wrap with floppy rest. Seems to be a right snappy shooter. Anyway, here is Summer's bow. Merry Christmas!!

h, time crunch.