Are you going to do a different finish over the feathers?
Going back to what worked on the first few I did before I started to take short cuts "on the Molly".......
I'm going to use the flex coat to set the feathers and then a final coat of the same.
Just got finished staining the backs of the two bows with a walnut stain and prepping the feathers tonight.
I'm going to feather back them both Saturday,
Clint.... your more than welcome to spend the day with me in the shop Saturday, Bring something to work on and I'm sure I'll find something good to cook.
and it won't be chicken.

Might even get a little farther along on that sinew back ERC recurve I've been thinking about, got it roughed out, and close to steaming the recurves in.
Would be great to have ya visit, hope that's enough to get you think'in about it. Just let me know.
