I havent got the chance yet to shoot hundrets of arrows with them, but i will do this soon..maybe this weekend..here in Germany, Ratan is consider to be a material of low quallity, and its mainly used to make bows for children, but i really think that rattan, is underestimated..unfortunatly, i dont have an electronic scale, to weight the bows, but they are really light, concerning mass...its all most like you dont have anithing in your hand...the 40lbs bow, received a belly treatment with the heat gun...i tempered the belly, and i could feel a diference afterwords...the limbs spring back faster...I'v shoot the bow inside the apartment a fiew times and its really fast..now i have to see, how it behaves after a fiew hundrets arrows...i also found, some other guys, that are using rattan to make bows..one has even developt a method, and he builds rattan bows, with bamboo backing, and aparently they are crazy fast, and durabale, and the other guy, is building them, as normal, self bows, and the bows are as fast, as any other normal laminate fiberglass bow...so, i quess that this material worth some atention..i have 3 moore pieces, and I'v ordered, a piece that has also the outer skinn intact, becose normaly, this pieces come without the outer skinn, and its a pitty, becose that skinn gives more durability and a nicer look..i will keep u guys posted aniway...i wish you all, all the best..take care