Hello guys...I'v managed lately to build 2 bows..one is for my girlfriend, and the other is for her dad, and it will be a Christmas present..so, first i will put pictures with my girlfriend's bow, and i will make a diferent topic for the other bow..here it is..rattan material..its the first time when I'm working with Rattan...it has some advantages, and also some disadvantages..its realy easey to work with, and its possibil to buil a bow out of rattan in a fiew hours, its incredibile flexibile, its practicly, imposibile, to brake it, or aniway, its really dificult, and its a good thing, becose its good for short bows..this bow, its 55" long, and its 25Lbs @ 24"...its specialy made like this, for my girlfriend, becose she is a beginner, and i wanted something really light for her to start with..here are the pictures..