Bow questions:
I am working on this first bow and am nearing the point of putting it on the long string for tillering. I know that a tillering tree would be best, but right now, I have only a tillering stick and NO scale.
The bow will be unbacked and 70" long, NTN, is from a 72" red oak board with a handle 3/4" thick and the rest of the bow, right now, at about a uniform 5/8 inch. The handle is 7" long from where one fade levels off with the belly--to the same spot on the other limb. It is a pyramid, tapering from 1.5" wide at the fades to .5" at the tips. I am hoping for around 50# @ 28", but right now am going to let the bow end up tillered and worry about pull later.
First question relates to calibrating and reading the tillering stick. When I tell people so many inches of draw, I want to describe things the way other people on this forum do. The bottom of the yoke is exactly 3 inches from the first string slot. How do I label that slot? 1 inch? 3 inches? Do folks on this board typically refer to AMO draw length or to True draw length?
Second question: not certain where I saw it, but I have read that I should round off the edges of the back of the bow, to a radius about that of a pea--do you folks agree with that?
Third question: Right now, I have only a fast-flight long tillering string from 3-Rivers--2'with what looks like a standard loop on one end and the other end intended for a timber hitch. I am not ready yet to build my own string. So would it be safe to continue to use this FF string as the final bow string--at full draw--for shooting, until I can order a Dacron string of proper length?
I apologize for the length of this post but wanted to keep down the number of threads as I pose my many questions. My thanks.