this one was a little fun to make.
im not sure why i picked up this stave but i did

i know the top limb has the worst of the knots, but the bottom limb where i needed it to bend a little more for a slightly better tiller just wasnt gonna have it:( ive shot this one alot and im not sure how i feel about the way it shoots. the arrows that come out are like little missiles. but its the feeling in the hand im not in love with. im not sure what ill do with it. i will continue to shoot it. maybe she just needs to be broken in a little more

the rings on the back are highly violated, the sapwood rings are paper thin but the heart wood was not. much have had a few good growing years. but nonetheless dense, and dark.
(Edit:) I adjusted the brace hieght just a tad and now she shoots very good:)
goat horn overlays
elk hide handle
strunk lace pattern