Right let's design an experiment!
My polycarbonate sheet is 3mm thick.
I can cut out several bows 40" ntn . If they are all 40" ntn with no grip at all, (e,g straight line symmetrical taper from the centre line to the tip) that's one less variable to consider.
What do we think is the best taper?
What is the best starting width for a 20" limb?
I'd suggest maybe going extreme as we can cut 'em down after.
Say 3" wide tapering to 3" (e.g.Parallel, although this may break... mind polycarbonate is pretty tough)
Then 3" tapering to 2"
3" tapering to 1"
3" tapering to 1/8"
I can use the same string on each and a low brace, say 1" and draw to 16" ?
Now obviously I don't want to do a load of work and have folk say I should have done it different... so if we reach some sort of concensus I'll do the test and take the pics. I can keep a fixed camera set up.... heck I can even take video, edit it togethjer , put music to it and release it in time for Christmas.

What do the gang think?
(IMO. A well designed experiment trumps pages and pages of theory)