I had what I thought was a great piece of white oak, so I ripped it into 1/8 inch strips for backing some great Ipe I also had. Turns out, I have great RED oak and I now have about 9 pieces left. One was glued up to a great Ipe board, but it exploded violently on the tree due to a tension break on the back; the Ipe just torn that oak in half. I took out a big magnifying glass and verified that the pores on the oak are indeed hollow, not filled like white oak. I certainly don't trust it for backing Ipe now. Now I have to find a source of backing material for my Ipe.
Question is, has anyone successfully backed a 40# or greater weight bow with RED oak? If I can't use it for backing, can I glue several strips together for a reflex/deflex laminate bow or something?