Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows


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I think my current working title is "Assistant to the chairman". ;)
David Lynn Hayes is still the current chair of the U.S. Flight Archery Committee, but he has very limited access to the Internet and email.

I have had some contact with the folks organizing flight archery tournaments in the UK, and they have expressed interest in adding our US Primitive Flight events to the World Archery rule set.

I will check with the USA Archery folks to find out when their web site will show the latest rules. In the mean time, don't hesitate to contact me.


Lukasz Nawalny:
US Flight is only one flight organization in this moment on the world and have big role popularisation flight archery. In Europe traditional archery (excluding Great Britan and Hungary) is very new sport and note dynamic progress. In many europeen countries I see big flight interest.  It will be nice to establish officials. I think Facebook will be very helpful. But I think in future it needs more regulation, for example weather conditins - strong wind etc.

  I agree with you, it would be nice if world organizations like the olmypic committee communicated more on this and set up more uniform codes.

Lukasz Nawalny:
I have question - for example turkish hornbow with modern material string can go to modern asiatic bows category ?

Yes, modern materials puts it in the "Modern Asiatic" category.


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