Nice bit of writing there! Here in Yosemite we are still dealing with the fallout from the Hanta Virus outbreak of a couple of years ago. First it was a ziploc bag HV kit with mask and gloves and a trap and detailed instruction on how to dispose of the whole kit an kaboodle. Last week - 4 trap sets = 4 mice! I just dump the thing out and re-use the trap. Figured as much mouse dung as I have been exposed to over the years I probably got some anitbodies. Now we got a three gallon bucket disposal kits for heavier infestations. Comes with traps, masks, gloves, disinfectant and a tightly sealed bucket with a removable screw on filler cap for disposal.
At an earlier office space here i had a trap line of about 15 mouse traps. usually about 5 per day. I do like the buckets of death can be made in a variety of ways.
Years ago we started having issues in my wifes car with the headlights. They would just go out while cruising down the highway. Ordered a new switch ( non-refundable electronic part) and when I was having work done on the car asked the mech if he could help me replace the switch. He came back in and says "Dude, you got a code 64!" What's that? I says He come back with "Big F'ing Rat!" A pack rat had built a nest around the wiring harness where it was attached to the firewall and had chewed through the wires. Did not need the switch after all!
So - let the mouse wars continue!