That was actually a nice little stave and didn't turn into an ugly bow at all.
If I may suggest for next time, though, when you rough out the bow, really concentrate on getting it either the same thickness all along, or to a consistent thickness taper. Once established they are easy to keep. Establishing a good starting point helps a LOT. these days, if I can get a bow roughed out without problems, I can almost always finish it to weight.
Then build yourself a caul and learn to either steam or dry heat the the limbs to symetry (and take out that twist that gave you trouble) Side to side wiggles will give you much less trouble than front/ back. I STILL can't tiller a bow well with one reflexed and one deflexed limb. or with one bulging middle and the othe R/D. Can't do it.
I don't think that was such a bad effort.