Well fellas, it broke. But in an interesting spot and way. First off, it opened up on the lower limb, not the upper so the knot hole is fine

from center of the bow, if you cut the lower limb in thirds, it broke on the inner third. Seems there is a small pin knot there. I heard it open up before it broke. It wasnt the normal tick sound of a splinter. It actually sounded like a piece of paper being torn. I couldnt find where the noise came from because I only looked around the hole. I dropped the brace height some as it was high anyay, and I drew it many more times and it was fine. Finally I took it an inch beyond my draw length and it went bang.
Looki g at the break, I see the sapwood is very spongy, as in porous. I never broke a sapwood back osage before. Actually, dont think I ever broke osage at all before. I think the pin knot ( which I don't think I violated ), spongy wood, shorter lower limb, extreemly dry air, and too high a brace height all made the perfect storm. Plan is now to cut the brokken billet off, regrind the scarf joint, and find another billet to splice on. In the meanwhile its going on the shelf to sit. I have many things to do right now.