She's only 63", so not a very "long" bow, but I love me a narrow yew bow. 1" for the inner 1/3 of the bow, then tapering to 1/2" tips.
The yew was cut in the washington cascades, and was flawless, except for being slightly deflexed (1") . I tried to cook out as much as I could on
my caul, and only about 1" stuck. After shooting in she seems to loose it, and another 1/2".
I tillered the bow to 55#, but brought it down to 48# @ 27", it just felt like the right weight for it.
I know the tips could of been smaller but the bow shoots so well and smooth I left it as is.
Top limb is 1 3/4" longer than the bottom
skins were from Carson, and are taken from the top of the fish. i still have enough white ish belly skin to back another bow.
Tips are cow horn, handle is built up leather with cane wrap. Silk soaked in tbb3 to fill the small gaps.
Cheers, thanks for looking!