60 inches will make a fine bow for a 24 inch draw,,,
if you are not quite sure what your draw is... ok the 60 inch bow will give you some extra if you need it,, it is possible that you will or can draw further if you want,,,see how that bow shoots,, if you dont like the length,, you can make it shorter or make another that is more suited to you,,there are so many variables with tiller ,, bow design etc, there is no one answer,,, but the 60 inches will work,, and as stated you could go shorter and get a good bow too,,, the 60 inch bow is a good starting point,,, this may be more info than you need,,, at this point, but the 60 bow might be a bit overbuil,, and that has it pluses,,the shorter bow might be a bit more sensitive to tiller and could possibly be more efficient (depending on tiller),, whip tiller the longer bow to compensate etc,,,just get started and you will find what works for you,,, less finger pinch on the longer bow,, better string angle,, unless you flip the tips on the short bow etc,, I shoot both short bows,, and long bows, and like both,,