Author Topic: Band Saws?  (Read 8831 times)

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Offline Jim Davis

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Re: Band Saws?
« Reply #45 on: November 06, 2014, 09:43:55 pm »
DC, note what Asharrow said about the wheels( 14" dia.) that is what drives the blade, the throat can vary with brand. I didn't say the Jet brand was great, just available and reasonable.

To be accurate, the "throat" is the distance from the blade to the frame, across the table to the left. That will be the same or a little less than the stated wheel diameter.

The depth of cut is what  will vary from brand to brand within a given wheel  size.
Jim Davis

Kentucky--formerly Maine


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Re: Band Saws?
« Reply #46 on: November 07, 2014, 08:02:40 am »
I have a Jet JWBS14q and it's a dream. I also use a Jet drum sander and it is again a dream to use. Nothing has broken and i've run an awful lot of wood through them both.
The real key with bandsaws is a top quality blade suited to the task. I have five different blades to cope with any and every job I do. You really can't ask one blade to do everything well. Also make sure the wheels are truly coplanar and your guides are set flawlessly and of course work out the saws natural drift when setting the fence.
General bandsaw advice buy the biggest, most bad ass saw you can afford  >:D