This bow is built from a sister stave to the yew recurve that won BOM back in august. Same nice ring count and colour.
It had some deflex and twist, and I got rid of most of it on my caul. I guess these would be called slight recurves,
they look like they might open up the smallest amount at full draw.
I shot this bow in without the skins, and after adding them it seemed to pick up a few pounds. Its the first time I made
my top limb longer, about an 1 3/4", and i struggled a bit with the tiller.
Its 58" nock to nock, about 52# @ 26". Its been to 27", curiosity got me.
1 1/8" wide at the handle to 3/8" tips and a slightly crowned belly.
The bow weighs just over 14 oz, including the handle wrap, which is built up leather and cane. I wrapped silk soaked
in hide glue in between the cane to hide the bits of leather poking through.
Very high early string tension, zero handshock, and seems to shoot fast. My 10th bow, and so far my favorite.
She's not named yet, and still needs some oil, but I couldnt wait to show her off!
thanks for looking.