Hello there my fellow primitive archers! I'm pretty knew, so far I have one bow under my belt that broke on the first day. Honestly I wasn't trying with that one, I rushed through it just to get the feel for the trade, it was just some random tree in my back yard that I did not know the species of.
Now this I would like to call my first real attempt at making a bow because I actually found a primo osage tree and got a 6 foot straight log.
This bow came out rather thin, I made a post about that concern a while back, but I think it has come out rather nicely. The fact that it is thin I think is made up by the fact that its pretty long, its 68 inches, tip to tip. Now I have it backed with 100% linen because it was quite a snakey bow, with some side knots, making it impossible (at least for a noobie like me) to keep a perfect unviolated ring on the back.
So here is a picture of the bow so you can understand the bendy/knotty nature of it.

And without further wait, here is a picture of how the tiller is going.

Is this ready to finish and string up?

If it helps, each brick in the background is 2.75 inches tall. I haven't bought a string yet to keep from hastily stringing a poorly tillered bow

Also, from what you know about it being 68 inches long and snakey, is that how far it needs to bend to full draw (maybe 28 or 29 inches)? or do I need to get it to a point where I feel more comfortable bending it even further? Cause the bend in the picture is about how far I will go without feeling nervous of cracking.
Thank you so much community, y'all are the best crowd!