Well I heat treated the belly in the offending area real good to reduce some of the bend there. Then I cleaned up the area around the cracks real good with a scraper, then pried open the biggest spliter and injected wood glue under it. I clamped it down to dry. Then I cut some raw hide off, soaked it, and glued down a 6" patch over the freshly scrapped and sanded area. The area is wraped ightly with hemp chordage and is dry now. Of course when the rawhide dried is shrank and now the hemp wrap is loose. I will rewrap it and probably paint the area to match my ribbons and medals from the Navy.
Right now its braced and held up at a partial draw.
Well seems dispite my efforts a slight hinge has developed in the repair area. I may have to go and retiller the entire bow, which will drop its weight. But it was a 55# bow and I never did have an easy time of drawing it in the mornings so this could help. Even if I loose 10# im still a good weight. Lucky for me its the top limb thats the problem. I may getaway with only tillering the top limb back into a good shape and not need to touch the lower. The top will bend more but isnt it ssupposed to?