My wife's birthday was the 13th and I decided to make her a leather purse. So I bought a leather purse kit from springfield leather here in town. It wasn't what I thought it was going to be. I got a box of precut pieces of a white/peach colored tooling leather with the holes punched. All hardware, some leather lace and assembly instructions. I picked up a few extra conchos and some pink crystal studs. I took this all to my buddy's house and asked him to give me a little direction on staining, tooling and a few other things. He gave me some pointers and explained the different processes to me. So I went to work thinking I had plenty of time before her birthday. I bought this just 5 days before the big day.
I managed to get the tooling done, the conchos laid out, the antiquing, edge coating and all done by late Friday night. I decided Saturday morning that I wanted to line it with a pink color swade. So back to the leather shop. Managed to find some and get everything all done except the lacing and the pink studs by late Saturday night. Couldn't work on it on Sunday because the wife was home and it was a surprise. I'm off work on Monday so I started double loop lacing at about 8am I thought I would have entry of time to finish it and take it to her at work. WRONG! I stitched on it for a solid 12 hours and finally my hands hurt so much I had to quit. I decided to show her anyways and she loved it.
Well with one more trip to the store for more lace. I was able to finish it up tonight. I hope you all like it as much as she did. Thanks, Patrick