Main Discussion Area > Horn Bows

water buffalo horn

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james parker:
what kind of composite bow are wanting to build? it will be such a waste of horn to just grind it away, for the sake of width alone.. the Turkish bows do not require great widths.  you will want more thickness down the center of the belly.. but other styles require more width  ,but less thickness,,

The Beadman was using Gemsbok horn, which is fairly straight, but a smaller diameter, he cuts through the solid tip and hollows it out to flatten it. Very work intensive. Beware, too much heat and you will break the horn. Personal experience, get the lazer thermometer, it is about $25.00 at an auto parts store and it is infra red tech.

So, I found the paper template idea to be useless -- but the horn, once hot glued with shims to a piece of ply, stayed put well enough to skim the outside edge of the horn past the band saw blade creating a nice flat reference surface.  Off that surface, I marked a fat 1/4 inch in thickness and cut again.  This, done to two horns, has left me with 2 thick strips which taper in width, about 22 inches in length (not all going to be usable) and the left over horn from each cut is plenty thick enough for two smaller strips (with more work) of about 14 inches long. 

Now for flattening and grooving.  I think I said it before - but here it is again - - man that horn stinks when machining it. 

James -  as to what kind of bow I plan to make - - not sure -- I have wanted to experiment with horn and now have the opportunity - but not a sufficient knowledge base.  I am doing my research as I go, as I am able to, and for this first horn bow, I will let my eye and the advice I receive guide me.  I do not care so much what type or style I end up with, so long it is looks nice to my eye (if it survives at all).    I hope you don't find this thought "sacrilegious" :-)


Put a 50 grit belt on the sander. Works faster and does not snell as bad, and get an extension cord so you can work outside

Funny you should say that - - I got extra belts today at lunch -  and I started hooking up the shop vac to the back of the sander last nite.   As bad as the smell is, it is not worse than machining antler -  which to me smells like the dentist.   


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