My only regret is I waited just a fuzz too long to temper. It always AMAZES me just how much a proper temper job affects all woods, especially ash, elm and HHB. I have been dinking around with an HHB flat bow for the last 8-10 days. I heat shaped it and got about 100 degrees of the 180 degrees of twist out, plus added a few inches of reflex. I tillered it out and full drew/shot it maybe 5-8 times at 52# or so. I was hoping to avoid anymore heat, but it followed the string horribly and I didn't like the eye appeal as a result. Not because of follow, the whole limb shape just wasn't sexy enough for me. It did shoot great I thought.
I decided to give it a proper temper all the while shaping it back down to my caul. The bow gained at least 10# and, for now, holds over an inch of reflex. That temper job moved the tips at least 4" and the whole bow just looks so much nicer. My only regret? Not tempering prior to pulling it beyond 18-20". Oh well, something tells me it will be a fine bow all the same.
Just thought Id share a little of what turns my crank!