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Hysterisis and performance

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Did you know this guy's tests?

he did some videos too(bit chaotic):

With his tests in mind I would conclude time has a much more impact on hysteresis than I thought.


Marc St Louis:
I've been reading this Steve and I just don't know.  Truth is I've never given hysteresis much thought and more or less equating it to internal friction.  I've always viewed wood bows in the same sense as Ken wrote with it working as a function of reaction speed and this reaction speed being influenced by several factors, moisture content being one. 

In your tests did you consider cell memory?

     Mark, moisture is a big factor in hysterisis, one of the biggest. Some bows have considerable set yet very low hysterisis. The main thing I look for are ways I can just recognise something at the workbench by feel or behavior. The technical testing hopefully gives me a better idea what I will be looking for. Far too much trouble to be considered a routine test.

    The cell memory id kind of interesting, picking up old bows that have set for several years it seems like some of them have "heeled" up a bit. Could very well be moisture levels dropping, not sure at this point but something else to look at.

But if a bow has set can it still be fresh? Seems like a bit of a contradiction.
 Wood definitely  'heals" to the degree that the cells also creep back to an expanded position over time. Not to the degree that they are in original condition but if you have a great performing bow it makes sense that you can rest it and quickly string it up and shoot it before is has time to sag again.

     Pat, I have seen bows with amost no set be loaded with broken wood cells and bows with 2" of set feel fresh as a daisy. You can feel it by pushing backward on some bows. On a real badly broken down bow I suspect that the tension wood is just pulling it back into shape. Not all set is the same.


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