Main Discussion Area > Horn Bows

Apprentice Horn Bowyer :)

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In my experience the only way to learn anything is by doing it, Benn.  Bad Chris offers some valid advice, though.  Lots of help on here but people do come and go and I think the "trade secrets" of hornbow making are something coveted by many and given out by few.  Probably would find long term help by building a little reputation, but hey, that is only an opinion.  Of course, just diving in and photos of your progress will also invite help.

I'm in the same basic boat as you.

Have a good day and good luck.

Mean ole Chicken Hawk. :P ;D


 :laugh:  :laugh:

Over the years we've seen lots of posers and imposters come n go on the when one comdradicts themselves in there first 3 posts ever it makes this shrood skeptic even more skeptical is all...hope ya understand where I'm coming from... Not trying to be mean...its just that if folks know where your at experience wise they'll know better how to direct and help you is all ;)

Eddie that's the first I heard Adams books are no longer available in English... Glad I got mine a few years ago ;)

Benn..have ya made any sinew backed short bows before??? That's a good starting point in learning the sinew process part,and before ya add a whole nother dimension to the process(horn)

@ Blackhawk I have backed a few bows with sinew yes. But not until recently I had the hardest time finding it and most butchers didn't even know what it was! I ended up have to buy some off ebay. I do understand what you mean as well by people coming in and talking a big game and then leaving or not delivering. I see it almost every other week here at work as we seem to get a lot of younger people with all this fork lift, machining or this and that experience and in the end can hardly read a tape. So no worries my feelings have not been hurt in the slightest.

If there is resources that ya need (adams book,sinew,and maybe horn)and can't get at home the trading post here is invaluable...share some of your work,thoughts,opinions,and posts more here and make a good name for yourself letting folks know who you are and such....and you should be able to find what ya need by way of trade ;) lots of folks will be resupplying there sinew soon as its hunting season ;)

Stick around and make some friends ;) it'll help you in getting what ya need in the long run...most folks are very friendly and helpful here...(unlike me) ;)  its more than just nother "forum" here with no faces hidden behind a screen....its a family ;) and family always helps family ;)

Adams book is the text book on horn bows, so much info in it.
I have everything I need to attempt a horn bow, but its still pretty
intimidating. If youve already made a few short sinew bows successfully,
Maybe a north american style horn/sinew bow should be next.


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