I have a friend that is a trained and licensed massage therapist. When I am NOT hurting, a 90 minute session gets her about halfway thru my back. This would be an all day, bring an extra lunch, sort of job for her. She also brings a portable table TO MY HOUSE to do the work. She's da bestest!
Yesterday's hike into the woods to place the game cam had it's ups and downs (very funny joke to those that have hiked anywhere in the Black Hills). The spot I was intending to set the camera is on a trail that is worn deep into the hillside, but it showed no sign of deer at all, so I abandoned it.
I did find that the poacher's favorite treestand tree utterly abandoned. The nylon strap that held the treestand in place was lying on the ground, broken. I am salvaging the hooks and the ratchet mechanism! He also left a limb saw and some screw-in thingys. Just out from the base of that tree is a sapling about 2 1/2 inches in diameter. It has been racked pretty good by a buck. 14 yards to the west is a clump of saplings and halfway in between is a small pine sapling that perfectly blocks line of sight of any buck working that rub! If that buck is using that rub, I can sit in the clump of saplings and make a full draw while he is busy rubbing and the little lone sapling is blocking his sight! Perfect position, perfect opportunity, perfect plan....bound to fail!
We saw about a half dozen does bust out of cover in close range, but no bucks. I mentioned this to a friend and he is mentoring a 12 yr old kid for deer hunting. I can fully anticipate they are going to be up there this weekend!
By the time the dog and I got back to the vehicle, my back was starting to feel tired. The hike up the hill, over the hill, back up the hill, down the ridge, and back up the ridge had loosened things up considerably. I got out of there in time to keep me overdoing it. No chiropractor again today. Felt a good bit better this morning, but it still took some time to stretch and move before I could bend over enough to put on pants, socks and shoes. Too bad we have REAL weather here, or I would make like Primitive Tim and go shoeless! Well, I would have to do better at cleaning land mines from the dog in the yard, too.