Thank you, Chad.

Thank you for the kind words, Howard.
Thanks, Pat!
Thank you, Drewster.
Sometimes even wide open summers fill up faster than you can blink. Thank you, John.

I think the skins would have detracted and distracted on this bow. Thanks, Accipiter.
Thank you, Peacebow Coos
Thanks, GB
Thank you, Josh. That's a real compliment
Thanks, Del. I think my next one is going to be a true ELB. I'll get in touch with you for some advice
Thanks, Bob
Thank you, Pappy
Thanks, Frank!

Thank you, Greg. I have a bucket of horn scraps and it's a real random grab bag. I picked a winner on this one.
Thanks, Hrothgar
Thank you, Aaron.
Thanks, Chris
Thanks, Kenny
Thank you, John. I learned that lace pattern from John Strunk. HE makes some really nice handle wraps. (and bows)
Thanks, SLIMBOB. I really liked that last one of yours that you submitted to BOM. That was a looker.
Thank you, Tommy
Hahaha! Thanks, Parnell.

Thank you, Donald.

Thanks a lot, Jon!