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How I made my reflex/deflex caul! (photos fixed)
Ok guys, I was wanting a reflex/deflex caul and looked all over the web for dimensions and some kind of direction on how to make one. Not a lot out there that I could find so I decided to make one with a little bit of what I saw in some pictures and what I remembered seeing at mojam this year.
Bare with me because this is my first build along and I know I missed taking some pictures but I think it will be fun.
I started out by buying two of the straightest 2"x6"x8' pine boards I could find at Lowe's. I also obtained a long straight piece of aluminum about 7' long by about 2" wide to use as a flexible guide.
I then laid one board on my table and started laying out the design I had in my mind. I started in the center and worked my way out to the ends placing small nails at each measurement and using my metal strip to check the bend I was getting. A little vague I know but I stared at it for ever, lol. All of the measurements were taken from the left end and the top edge of the 2x6. Here are some pictures of my dimensions that I came up with.
My piece of metal was marked at 72".
I then took my metal piece and formed it around all of my nails until it was what I thought it should look like. I measured everything so that the curves on each side would be hopefully a mirror image of each other. Then I traced the curve of my metal strip. Giving me the shape of the caul. I took the nails out and then used my miter saw or cut it to length. My band saw is in need of some new tires and a blade so the jigsaw was then used to cut the shape of the form.
I then smoothed out the rough edges on my disc/belt sander. I didn't get too carried away just yet. Just enough to remove the rough edges and even it out to the edge of my lines.
Then I took the cutout and clamped it to my other 2x6 being sure the edges were square with my carpenters square. I marked out the other piece and cut it out to match.
More to come shortly. Patrick
This looked really good to me so I decided to call a buddy of mine so I could show him. He is also a Bowyer and I asked him what he thought. Neither one of us have ever made a caul like this before so we had a pretty good discussion about shape and length. We decided that the shape was cool but the length was somewhat a hindrance. So we came up with, cutting 9 inches out of the center of it. (don't remember how we came up with that)
I then took the sides and marked them out using only one of the now 4 pieces after it was sanded smooth and square so I would get the same bend on the others. I then sanded them all down to the new market using my disc/belt sander. Then I matched the sides and screwed them together using 3" decking screws. Be sure to predrill the holes with a 1/8" drill bit. After they were joined it was back to the sander to make sure they were a perfect match to each other. I used a square constantly to check the sanded area for flaws.
After all of that I had to come up with a way of using my new pretty shaped boards. I decided I needed some kind of back stop and a bed for the form to sit on. So back to Lowe's for another dig through the lumber for the perfect boards. I picked up a 2"x8"x8' and a 2"x4"x8' pine board. Also a couple 6"long 3/8" full thread bolts, 4 fender washers and 2 nuts that you drive into the wood and secure with 3 small screws. (very neat)
When I got home I just cut both boards to the length of 6'. Then I proceed to screw them together in an L shape. I then marked the center of my L and placed my two caul pieces in the 2x4 side. I aligned the caul right on the center mark and then marked the other end on the "bed". Then I took my 6' piece of metal and laid on the caul and formed it to the shape while adjusting it until the metal lined up with the tip of both sides of the form. (I had to have help for this part)
I then measured the distance between the two pieces and devided it by two. This gave me the distance that each one would have to move from the center to get to a 72" bow.
That measurement also told me how long to make my groove in the 2x8 so I can adjust for different lengths of bows. Ah yes, we are now making an adjustable caul! I then measured and marked the center of my shaped out form and drilled a 3/8" hole all the way through it as straight as possible then wallered it out a touch to my 6" bolt would slide through it fairly easy. Then I took my special nut I found and taped it into the hole on the outside of the form. And secured it with 3 small screws. Repeat for the other side.
Once that was done it was time to mark out the slot in the 2x8 so my caul would slide. I placed the caul on the bed and used an aul through the drilled hole to mark the beginning and end of where I wanted the grove to be. I took a few measurements and and transferred them to the back side. So I could router them out. You could use a drill bit here and drill several holes then rasp them out if you don't have a router. But since I have one that's what I used. My router has a edge guide on the so I set it up and just plunged it into the market and zipped out a grove for my bolt to slide in. I cleaned up the edges a little with what rasp and then test fitted everything together. As usual I was off a little so I adjusted my router guide and made the grove a little bigger. That's better!
Then I thought, how to clamp the bow down? Then I remembered seeing a form that had holes drilled in it for the clamps. So I got out my paddle drill bits and put some holes on the curved part of the caul. I used a 1/1/4" bit to accommodate my clamp size. I just drilled the holes where I thought they should be. I know more pics would have been better but I kinda got on a roll and forgot.
If you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to let me know. I can take more pictures of it if you need me to. Here are the last few.
Thank you all for reading this and I hope it helps someone make one of their own. Patrick
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