Sorry to pollute this thread with other considerations but looked to me the best place.
Do you know any method to straighten/flatten the coconut pieces?
I've tried both dry heat and boiling but they failed miserably
Btw i've discovered that coconut charcoal is highly valued in fine arts.
Glis, I see no chance to flatten out a coconut shell. IMO the material is too brittle. Just look for a thick wall specimen, best with a 'milder' curve and sand the inner wall flat. I've got 4-5mm thick pieces, even enough to go with a string grooved overlay.
Here on this bow I used thin pieces (saving mass) just to protect the pin nock from string cutting in.
Those granite cobblestones make me homesick. Nice bow too. Grüße.
Are you a German? were are you located and were is your homeland?
The two cobblestones were a birthday present for my lovely wife some years ago. A kinda heavy mass bavarian gamstones. After the first shock seeing the load on the crane she's now very happy with them.