Unfortunately like raptor feathers, you cannot possess them without proper paper work, due to the black market for the Chinese herbalists. A Buddy, in Montana, totaled his Nisan Pathfinder, on stupid Big Horn sheep, and the game warden that was called in, destroyed the horns. If you find a skull in the mountains, or plains, you had better let it be. They don't take excuses, only proper paper work. I told my buddy, about a beautiful, full curl, that rolled outward, standing on a boulder, at the edge of the highway, looking to see which car he wanted to jump in front of, but I could not get a picture, because of the $#@^&+! near my bumper! Anyway, he said that if I got a Sheep tag, and ever got on of those boys, and had it mounted, the mount would sell for $25,000.00 or more.

If I ever get one of those, it is sold. I can look at pictures, and use the money, more than a mount, on the wall !
