It looks pretty good already. I don't see anything that can't be corrected, but there are some small issues that should be fixed before you continue.
- Those string grooves are cut into the back of the bow, which is a big no-no. You can file grooves into the sides of the bow, but not into the back, UNLESS you apply nock overlays. Since I don't see overlays, you need to fix those nocks. File the back flat again to get rid of that groove. Then glue on a small piece of wood (osage is fine as well) as to create a small additional thickness. Then file grooves into the sides of the bow, slowly curving into the back.
- The corners appears sharp and square. At this point, once the width taper is accurate, make sure all four corners of the limbs are rounded to about the size of a pea.
- The left limb appears a bit stiff near the handle. It's difficult to say for sure, since you didn't include an unbraced picture. But I'd scrape the inner half of the lefthand limb a bit.
- From this point onwards, put away the draw knife, rasp, spoke shave and SurForm. Use only tools that remove small amounts of wood. A scraper tool is excellent, especially when combined with a fine (half round) file. Re-check the tiller often, after every ten minutes of scraping at least. Keep applying the same amount of draw weight, but monitor how much the draw length increases after each successive wood removal.