Author Topic: Am i the only one?  (Read 6411 times)

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Offline Stixnstones

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Am i the only one?
« on: September 17, 2014, 11:10:40 pm »
When huntin with a selfbow one should hunt with a self arrow, self nock n stone point. When huntin with a lammy bow bamboo or other wood backed bow it can be a plastic nock and metal point. Or is it just me?

Offline JoJoDapyro

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Re: Am i the only one?
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2014, 11:13:37 pm »
Use whatever you want. It is still more primitive than one with training wheels and a trigger.
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27 inch draw, right handed. Bow building and Knapping.

Offline Pat B

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Re: Am i the only one?
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2014, 11:19:21 pm »
I use self nocks over any other. I have hardwood shoot and cane arrows I shoot in my selfbows, some with stone points, some with trade points and some with modern broadheads. I also have doweled arrows and make them as "primitive" as I can. I rarely shoot glass lam bows and don't shoot all wood lam bows that often.
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline Dharma

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Re: Am i the only one?
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2014, 11:35:30 pm »
Well, some states don't allow stone points for hunting. But, know what plastics and, prior to that, Bakelite was made to replace? Horn and bone and, in some cases, tortoise shell. My point is, well, what was my point? I don't know. If you made that selfbow with stone tools and sanded it with wet buckskin and sand, well, there you are. And if you're not carrying a cell phone in the woods, or a GPS, wearing modern shoes, and so on. I mean, how far do we go with what justifies what? I don't know, do what feels appropriate, I guess. I mean, you can go to a powwow and see jingle dress dancers and all the jingles are metal cones, so how old can that be? But people see it and go, "Wow, look at these ancient Native American dances!" And that may be. But not the jingle cones. At least not prior to the 1800s, anyway. And tomahawks, well, the metal ones were brought over from Europe in many cases as trade goods. But, of course, the Norse (a Norse is a Norse, of course, of course) were using what were basically tomahawks for combat along with the bow. So, there is wiggle room on that, if you're going the ye olde Europe route. But once you had metal tomahawks in North America, quite a few Native tribes had already deep-sixed their bows for trade muskets. What was my point? I forgot.
An arrow knows only the life its maker breathes into it...

Offline comebackshane

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Re: Am i the only one?
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2014, 12:45:07 am »
I've been on lots of different forums over the years.  Don't say much.  Quiet in person and on the internet,  but I have never been able to figure out why one grown man cares what another grown man does with his own stuff.

Offline Pappy

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Re: Am i the only one?
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2014, 05:26:38 am »
Must be you stixnstones  ;) :) I shoot wood bows,I also shoot Cain/shoot shafts,some with stone some with trade points some
with Ace,like Pat,some with selfnocks some with plastic nocks,what ever I am in the mood for and fly well out of my bow,I do draw the line personaly [that's just me ] on carbon or aluminum arrows and screw in broad heads but about anything else goes, of course I don't claim or try to be Primitive,wouldn't know where to draw that line ;) :-\ like I said to start,I shoot wood bows. :)
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Offline wildman

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Re: Am i the only one?
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2014, 08:44:07 am »
There would be a lot less pics posted if we all went into a totally primitive process. I shoot everything between a Blackwidow with carbon and screw in Muzzy heads to self bow with trade or stone points. I may some day build a bow with all stone tools , if I start today I may get it done before 2025. It is up to the individual , I generally try to match my equipment up ( self nocks stone tips for self bows, wood,carbon,modern heads on my Bears and BW)  I don't wear a lot of camo usually earth tone plaids.  Our primitive muzzle loader deer camp is as close to truly primitive as I get, and that's only as primitive as mid 18th century. Camera is only modern gadget allowed in, but we don't count stiches. Everyone has to do this in their own way for their own reason. :) If your not having fun then your doing something wrong.
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Offline JoJoDapyro

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Re: Am i the only one?
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2014, 08:50:38 am »
I had a hunting companion years ago that was so dead set against Inline muzzle loaders. He would go on and on about how they weren't "Traditional", all the while he has a 1863 Springfield reproduction, shooting sabots and using Pyrodex pellets. Do what makes you happy, or what works. Just don't do one thing and say another.  :-*
If you always do what you always did you'll always get what you always got.
27 inch draw, right handed. Bow building and Knapping.

Offline Stixnstones

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Re: Am i the only one?
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2014, 11:47:17 am »
Wow! Didnt mean to upset everyone. I'm not sayin whats primitive or not hell i even shoot zwickeys n ace points with selfbows n selfnocks , like u pappy whatever flies best  and i sure know i'm not primitive other than in my fantasies of livin the old ways, was just sayin it seems to me thats how i should b huntin. In no way would i ever tell anyone what to hunt with or how to hunt . Wow!

Offline Pat B

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Re: Am i the only one?
« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2014, 11:49:58 am »
No one is upset, just expressing their opinion.  ;)
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline JoJoDapyro

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Re: Am i the only one?
« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2014, 11:53:13 am »
I can't see anyone that is upset. If you want to shoot carbons out of a self bow, be my guest. I have and they shoot like crap.  >:D
If you always do what you always did you'll always get what you always got.
27 inch draw, right handed. Bow building and Knapping.


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Re: Am i the only one?
« Reply #11 on: September 18, 2014, 12:12:42 pm »
I just like wooden bows, past that I don't have any primitive preference. I know one "hot shot" in all the mags that shoots carbon from his wood bows and has no problem typing about it. Whatever turns your crank I say.
Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.

Offline Dharma

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Re: Am i the only one?
« Reply #12 on: September 18, 2014, 12:42:43 pm »
Not upset at all.  :) Are you kiddin'? Where I live, you find new definitions on what's worth getting upset about. Red sand blowing all over the place; it's all over the kitchen floor because it gets in under the door. You get it swept up, the next day the wind blows 60MPH again as per usual, the sand's in the kitchen again. Is it worth getting upset over? Nope. Oh, got donkeys in the front yard again. Oh well, ain't no lawn to worry about. Maybe they'll eat the goathead thorn bushes out there.

I'll tell ya this from experience. You can put plastic nocks and a metal field point on a hand-made and fire-straightened sourwood or bamboo shaft and that alone will dazzle most folks. They'll look at it closely to see if it's true and you ain't trying to palm off a factory-made POC shaft as a sourwood or bamboo shaft. You just have to know how rare an art it is just to make that shaft in the first place. To know how to even do that is pretty much a forgotten skill in places you might think people might know it. Trust me on that one. I sit out here on the rez in my front yard on the porch stoop doing shafts from sourwood, viburnam, hill cane, bamboo and so on.  People are walking by and they're like, what's he doing? So they ask and I say I'm making arrow shafts. Then they want to know how that's done.

Or like this. They've got a Kachina dance up on the Hopi rez that dancers need three black-fletched arrows for. So, they just go into Flagstaff and get dowels from Home Depot or the crafts store to make them. Then they go over to the archery shop to get black fletching. The archery shop sold out of them and I knew a few Hopi guys who were desperate to get black fletching. Has to be black. I gave them some 5.5" black banana fletching and they were thrilled.

But, anyway, everyone does their own thing and that's cool. I've never shot carbon arrows and never shot a compound bow, so I don't know what those things are all about. They're not my cuppa joe. But if you're making your own shafts, regardless if you use plastic nocks or self nocks, you're practicing a nearly lost art. Knowing how to straighten a shaft with heat by itself, very few people know how to do that. Even knowing how to select shaft material is wholly unknown to a lot of people, even traditional archers who are shooting POC. The whole shaft-making process is a mystery to most people. Making arrows almost has a spiritual dimension among some people because no one understands how it's done, how he did it, and so on.

Sure, if someone can knap a stone point and build arrows that way, cool, that's great. But now in places like Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Asia, and Eurasia, they went to metal points the second they entered the Bronze Age. Those points' basic designs have pretty much remained unchanged over the thousands of years. They came up with socketed points like we use today and that was thousands of years ago. So, can we say metal points are primitive? Of course we can. They were used by North American Plains tribes as well. People think Plains tribes burned wagon trains for kicks. No. The wagons were looted of valuables first. Then the wagons were burned to free up the metal wheel rims and other metal pieces that arrowheads could be fashioned from. Practical, saves time in the long run. The Plains tribes retained the bow longer than others.

So anyway, wherever you go, there you are. Every person on the face of the planet has archer ancestors. And many of them used metal points. Especially if they're Indo-European or Semitic. Let's not forget that the bow was basically the "assault rifle" for a long time. During that time and for that use, it was mostly metal points that were used. That's why chariots were so feared. There's a bowman onboard and he's probably got 100 arrows. The helicopter gunship of the ancient world.
An arrow knows only the life its maker breathes into it...

Offline mullet

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Re: Am i the only one?
« Reply #13 on: September 18, 2014, 06:04:19 pm »
My osage shoots the heck out of carbons since I put a FastFlight string on. I havn't had time to play with different weight points to get the arrows made for it shooting good, yet.
Lakeland, Florida
 If you have to pull the trigger, is it really archery?

Offline Tyke

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Re: Am i the only one?
« Reply #14 on: September 18, 2014, 11:59:45 pm »
just make sure the fletching have a helical twist. Or they fly poorly
why buy it when you can build it