My long time friend Rick wanted to make a bow for his brother as a gift. I let him pick a set of osage billets and a snake skin. He picked a set of billets that ended up having a bit of snakey in them. I was a little jelous as I didn't know they were snakey. The snake skin he chose was a skin form a young reticulated python that I had been looking for a long time as I wanted a nice tight pattern. Fortunately I got another one recently. Rick did most of the work on the bow as I walked him through it.

Tips are Siamese rosewood.
We used take down sleeves and then rattan wrap for the grip over the stainless

68" ntn. I put the scale on it this morning and it came out to 55# @ 28". His brother is a lefty. I need to still put a leather arrow rest on it.

put in my photo editor and using the straightening tool helps me see the tiller better.

Thanks for looking. Hoping to make some more bows this year as this last year we moved back to the US and have been busy getting settled/remodeling.