Main Discussion Area > Horn Bows

typical birch strips dimension

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 You're trying to narrow it down and that just can't be done. Do it whichever way appeals to you or makes the best usage of your material.
 A always just use one long clear piece for each limb but I happen to have access to the best material.
 Diagonally as is common in Chinese bows looks the best I think.

The Chinese replica horn bow that I got from James P is stripped diagonally.

Do you have a pic ? How wide are the average diagonal pieces?

I'll see if I can get you a picture up, I'm still hobbling around. If you do a search of James Parker's Chinese Horn Bow, there should be some good pictures. I think it won Bow of the Year, I know it was BOM.

There is a good close up of the bark on this page.,18969.msg316861.html#msg316861


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