Growing up we never really had deer on my parents property, a combination of lots of activity (3 boys and lots of dogs) ,sitting down in a hollow and being surrounded on all sides by a large creek and a railroad track. Now that we are grown their land has begun to revert back to a more feral state we are starting to see some deer. Last year I saw a young doe drinking out of their pond and found a bunch of tracks going down to their water this weekend. I would like to encourage and increase the deer activity on their acreage, any idea on how to do that? Also anyone know where to pick up a trail camera real cheap? I'd like to set it up right where they come down to drink and see what kind of deer i'm getting.
The red line is where I saw tracks this weekend, the yellow is where I saw the doe last year. The blue is a creek and you can see the pond where they are getting water. It has an island in the middle and the water level usually is down about 8-10 feet from the lip of the pond. On the other side of the creek is steep wooded land before turning into neighborhood. Cornfields to the south and just brush, fields and some woods to the north across the railroad.