if the bow has a deflex spot,, that part will looks like it is working ,,,even if it is thicker ,, it is not,, basically the taper has to be even,, so you have to go by the thickness of the wood, as well as the way you think it looks bending,, a good example is ,, if the bow has a bend that is reflexed,, it is easy to make that part of the bow too thin,, to make it "look right".. then you get a hinge and say what happened, ,it was bending even,, but you forgot to keep the taper even as well(the wood was not working even the reflex was working way more to make the bend even to your eye),,,it just takes more experience to tiller the odd one,, because sometimes you are going on feel and how the wood is tapering,, not how it looks bending,, at full draw they usually look better when the wood has been tapered well,,,