Main Discussion Area > Flight Bows

arrow speed and release?

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Marc St Louis:
Unless you have a shooting machine with some control over draw length the best thing to do is keep the arrow length to no more than the draw length of the bow when testing it for speed.

Del the cat:
A good loose makes a huge difference and it's surprisingly hard to get a good clean consistent drawlength and loose when chrono testing.
I find if I'm too busy watching the point of the arrow to make sure I'm getting full draw I can do a poor loose.
It's easy to gain 20yards with a crisp loose and a full draw, on guy at the club was coplaining his tired old bow didn't have much cast, I had a go and got 20 yards further, same arrow :laugh:
back to the Q.
Once it's left the bow, it doesn't matter what it was shot from... same arrow at same speed and angle of elevation will go same distance.


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