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arrow speed and release?

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Just tested the last sheephorn bow I finished. 35" nock to nock. 55-57# at 19.5". I know that's not a long draw for a 35" horn bow, but it has a huge amount of reflex and 19.5 feels like full draw on this one. I tested the bow with a 550 grain cedar target arrow. No special flight arrow. All shots were between 175 and 181 fps. I am pretty sure I was pushing my hand forward on release. I tried hard not to and got shots around 150fps, but I may have been recoiling. These horn sinew bows are heavy in the hand and I know that slows them a bit. at 30 yards arrows drop more in flight than from a slower early release osage bow. The questions.... 1- Can a highly reflexed high early draw weight bow have a faster arrow a few feet from release but a shorter cast?
  2-How much faster does pushing your hand forward on release send the arrow? I feel like I must have been doing it on the osage bow too.
I'll post the bow in the horn bow page

An arrow, as with any projectile has a kinetic energy defined only by its mass and its velocity. Given the same arrow, at the same angle in the same environment, it will always go the same distance for a given velocity.

  At that short draw length it sounds like a faulty test even if you were pushing your hand forward. I think if you calculated out the force draw curve you would find it was not storing enough energy to shoot that weight arrow that fast even at 100% efficiency. Might be  a bad test. If it was fast out of the bow it would have good cast and not fall off.

Steve- thanks. I know this only from a bullet fired from a gun.  I was looking for some variable, but when you put it that bluntly scientific the only variables are bad arrow, wrong release. Badger- The arrows were 26". I was probably overdrawing the bow at the last second. Shooting a 550 grain arrow at 60+? pounds. and underdrawing at 30 yards. The shots were 175, 152,177, 180, 148, and 180.7. Keep in mind the bow had 10" of reflex. and a non bending still reflexed handle at full draw. I was expecting 150-155fps. I didn't measure the curve till after shooting it. 28# @ 10" and 38@ 15. Goes to show unless you have a mechanical hold and release a chrono is not a good test.

And yes I do know that most of the mystery of bow design is gone now and a simple wood bow will shoot as well if not better than complex composites if both are made right. But not if both are 36" long.


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