I perused through searches trying to find if anyone has spiral cut gemsbok horn. I've most often seen them cut in half and then using dry heat, flattened and trimmed down to whatever thickness is desired. Is there a benefit of having two separate pieces for the limbs vs. having one continuous piece? In my mind you could mark a spiral up the horn, for the sake of easy numbers, leaving one inch between the lines spiraled all the way up to the tip or wherever it becomes solid. Then it looks like a cork screw that would only have the natural bend of the horns radius, which I believe would get increasingly smaller the farther up you go. Wouldn't that yield a longer continuous piece of horn? Also, why is it always dry heat bending when it comes to horn and not boiling it? Will boiling it for short periods of time deteriorate it significantly? I am not planning on doing a horn bow for a very very long time, but I was curious about this and figured with the new horn bow section that this would be the place to ask!