I have never had a problem with Franks bamboo lifting splinters. In the last 15+ years of buying their bamboo I only had one black bamboo pole which is smaller than I ordered with a couple cracks. I had another one at the front door the next day..
100#+ bows at a hair over an inch wide strain enough?

Usually the bowyers who had trouble with Franks, order a lot, and they live 1000's of miles away. I can't imagine having to use that shipment of bamboo for bows after its been getting cooked in a box car getting to 140 degrees or more as it sits in AZ. for a spell. Then encountering intense humidity in the Midwest to compound the effect. Even if it flies, it may be subject to conditions which you don't want bamboo subjected to..
.Your bamboo may look great when you get it, and it was probably fine when it left, but its bamboo and it cant really take these extremes. None of the local bowyers, and there are many ever have any problem with Franks bamboo. This topic pops up every now and then with the same basic conclusion..
It's always going to be a crapshoot..Unless the stuff grows where you live..
Rich-surrounded by the stuff